Do You Know The Benefits Of These Green Leafy Vegetables?


Let me tell you that putting green veggies on your plate is the best thing you can do for a stronger immunity and an active mind. This is because they contain an array of important nutrients like folate, magnesium and iron which helps boost mood and reduce stress.

Martha Clare Morris of Rush University Medical Center along with her colleagues conducted a study on the eating habits and mental ability of more than 950 older adults for an average of five years. The results showed that people who consumed green leafy vegetables had a slower rate of mental deterioration and reduced risk of dementia.

Green leafy vegetables have plenty of magnesium and according to Calm Clinic, magnesium is highly involved in regulating over 300 chemical reactions in the body, many of which are related to stress and anxiety.

Read on to know the benefits of various green leafy vegetables:  

Kale: Kale is indeed the king of green leafy vegetables as it is considered as the most nutrient dense foods on the planet. It is high in nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin B6, manganese, calcium, copper and potassium. In addition to these, kale is loaded with powerful antioxidants. Kale helps lower blood pressure thereby reducing the risk of heart disease. Research also suggests that kale has cancer-fighting properties.

Arugula: According to a study by Olga Azarenko, Mary Ann Jordan, and Leslie Wilson, Arugula is high in cancer-fighting agents. It has all the beneficial nutrients and is low in sugar, calories, carbohydrates and fat content. Arugula has calcium which is great for bone health and nerve function. In addition to that, the high potassium content in arugula is vital for the heart and nerve function. It is also rich in vitamin C, vitamin K and vitamin A.

Broccoli: Broccoli is high in vitamins, minerals, fiber and bioactive compounds. Broccoli has glucoraphanin, a compound that is converted into sulforaphane (an antioxidant) during digestion. Research suggests that the high antioxidant and fiber content in broccoli may help control blood sugar. Consuming broccoli on a regular basis is known to reduce inflammation in the tissues.

Spinach: Eating spinach is known to benefit  eye health, prevent cancer, reduce blood pressure levels. Spinach is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K1, folic acid, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and vitamins B6, B9 and E. SPinach is rich in antioxidants which help reduce oxidative stress.

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