Bleeding Gums? Follow These 10 Steps To Happy Gums


Do your gums bleed? Are you one of those people who brush and floss on a daily basis and still wonder why you suffer from bleeding gums? Have you considered these possibilities...

  • Your brushing or flossing technique may be faulty
  • Your dentures don't fit correctly
  • You're brushing too hard, or your brush is too hard
  • You may have plaque deposition
  • You may have started a new dental care habit and it's not suiting you
  • It may be a chemical reaction to your dental care products
  • Your diet may be playing spoilsport
  • Your current medications (like blood thinners) may be responsible
  • You may be suffering from some internal health conditions
  • Your smoking habit may be the culprit
  • Last, but not least, maybe your family history is to blame.

Whatever may be the reason, taking good care of your oral health is key to a good life. If you want to enjoy all the good food and still not experience toothaches or bleeding gums, you must take proper care.

Here are 10 steps to achieve healthier gums.

  1. Step up your oral hygiene routine

Improve your oral hygiene. Bleeding gums are a sign of poor oral and dental health. Plaque, a sticky layer of mucus and bacteria that forms due to lack of hygiene, can cause many gum diseases and tooth decay that lead to gum bleeding.

Make sure you brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss once a day. But make sure you are not too harsh on your teeth and gums. That too can cause your gums to bleed.

2.  Rinse your mouth with Hydrogen Peroxide Solution

Hydrogen peroxide is a good disinfectant. It can help remove plaque, promote gum health, and even stop bleeding. Use it after brushing your teeth, but make sure not to swallow the solution or gargle for more than 90 seconds.

Mix one third hydrogen peroxide solution with 2/3 part water and gargle.

This efficiently fights gingivitis, a condition associated with inflammation of gums that can cause bleeding, swelling, and receding of gums. It also whitens teeth.

3.  Stop Smoking -- It's a stinking habit!

Besides being one of the main reasons for lung cancer, heart diseases and stroke, smoking affects your oral health by:

  • Causing severe gum disease
  • Lowering your immune system, leaving your body defenceless against plaque bacteria
  • Preventing your gum from absorbing nutrients from food, in turn weakening your gums

4.  Reduce your stress level

Have you ever noticed that heightened emotional stress often causes stinky breath? Negativity in your mind has a direct impact on your immune system, rendering your body defenceless against oral bacteria and gum infection.

5.  Eat more Vitamin C-rich food

Everyone knows of how oranges keep cold away but did you know that Vitamin C-rich food, like oranges, can also fight gum infections. The reason for both is same -- Vitamin C strengthens your immune system. Sometimes, its deficiency can cause gum bleeding. As a powerful antioxidant, it also strengthens the connective tissue of your gums and protects their lining. An average adult requires 65 - 90 mg of Vitamin C daily.

Foods rich in Vitamin C include:

  • Oranges & Strawberries
  • Guavas
  • Kiwi
  • Papayas
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Red Bell Peppers
  • Carrots
  • Kale,
  • Broccoli

6.  Boost your Vitamin K intake

Vitamin K helps your blood clot. Its deficiency may cause gum bleeding. Supplementing it with your food may help in stopping gum bleeding. An average adult man needs 120 micrograms of Vitamin K, while an adult woman needs 90 micrograms of it daily. Foods rich in Vit-K include:

  • Spinach
  • Collard greens
  • Kale
  • Mustard greens
  • Broccoli
  • Chicken
  • Pork Chops
  • Beef Liver
  • Kiwi
  • Green Beans & Peas
  • Avocado

7.  Eat fewer carbs & sugary food items

Reducing your carbohydrate intake may also improve gum health. Carbohydrates and sugary foods encourage plaque deposition and growth of bacteria, which may lead to gum diseases and bleeding. Regular brushing and flossing definitely reduces this buildup, but restricting carbs intake helps prevent its formation.

8.  Drink green tea

It has been discovered that drinking green tea everyday stops gum bleeding periodontal disease (or periodontitis), which a long-term gum condition that damages the tissue and bone that support your teeth. This usually happens if you ignore gingivitis. Green tea contains catechin, a natural antioxidant that lowers the body’s inflammatory response to bacteria in the mouth.

9.  Rinse your mouth with warm salt water

Warm salt water helps remove bacteria and keeps your mouth clean. This is especially true if your bleeding is from an injury.

10.  Try cold compress when bleeding starts

Bleeding gums can be the result of an injury to gum tissue. A cold compress, like an ice pack or cold cloth, when applied to the gum several times a day, can reduce inflammation and stop bleeding of gums.

When do you know it's time to see the doctor?

If none of these steps help in stopping gum bleeding within a week, you may need immediate medical attention. Don't ignore gum bleeding.

For more info about  different foods & lifestyle related to gum health,

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