All You Need To Know About The Cognitive Development Of Your Baby!
Hello Parent! Hope you’re doing well! In this article, we will learn about the cognitive development of your baby. Knowing that your child’s brain is developing at the right pace is the all that you need to know.
We are 21st century people and we live in a world which is backed up by science. Initially, we believed that infants lack the ability to think and grasp but science has now proven that a child has the ability to feel, hear, observe and grasp everything that’s happening around him/her, ever since he/she is in the womb.
Before we move any further with the article, it is vital for us to explain what we mean when we use the word ‘cognition.’
Cognitive skills are the ability to process information, reason, remember and relate. These are gained by exposure to new stimuli – new experiences which in turn stimulate the brain. Cognitive skills aid the sensory development and strengthen the baby’s interaction with his surroundings and people.
Now with that out of the way, let’s get to the main part of this article. Listed below are particular cognitive milestones that your child will achieve with every passing month until 12 months of age.
Note: Every child grows at his/her own pace. There is no absolute need for your child to achieve a particular cognitive milestone within a particular time frame. A couple months here and there is natural and is nothing to worry about.
0-3 months.
- Will start noticing people and things around him/her.
- Will start developing a familiarity with the people and things around him/her.
- Recognizes mother and starts making eye contact.
Follows people and things with eyes.
4-6 months:
- Improvement in vision in terms of steadiness and focus.
- Improvement in hand-eye co-ordination.
- Able to identify whether objects are far or close to him.
- Notices and watches faces and actions.
- Recognizes familiar faces and things from a distance.
*Displays facial expressions and responds to affection. - Sensory Integration Growth: able to link the sight, touch, taste, and sound of a person and form his identity.
7-9 months:
- Able to identify and differentiate sight, touch and sound from person to person (also known as object permanence)
- Able to identify absence and experiences separation anxiety.
- Uneasy in the presence of a stranger and rejoices when around familiar faces.
- Able to draw attention by making sounds and explores things using the mouth.
- Receives joy in repeating actions and gestures.
9-12 months.
- Observes and explores people, objects, and surroundings.
- Shows affection towards caregiver.
- Becomes more independent in terms of crawling, walking, following an object, etc.
- Displays emotions and curiosity.
- Understands simple one-syllable commands like no, come, go, etc.
- Can babble words and responds to his name.
- Enjoys rhymes, songs, animal sounds, etc.
- Knows the presence of objects even though they are not physically present in the surroundings.
- Co-ordinates in motor skills, actions, and gestures. Eg: will extend feet while wearing shoes.
- Develops attachment to things and knows their absence.
Connects names with objects.
There you go! Hope this comprehensive list of makes your life as a parent much more easier! However, if not, help is just an app away on DocsApp.
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