A Basic Guide To Power Parenting
Parenting works on two extremes. It is an extremely difficult job which gives extreme happiness. However, the moment you become a parent, every day is a weekday. There are no days off. Every single thing that you do, every move that you make, will affect your child in some way or the other.
Therefore, it is vital for you to know what’s right and what’s wrong when it comes to parenting. This is where power parenting comes into the picture. Without wasting any more time, let’s get to what power parenting is all about.
Many a time, children tend to take their parent’s leniency for granted and try to overpower them. To put in the simplest sense, power parenting is a subjective set of guidelines that a parent should follow in order to establish a loving and affectionate relationship with their child while maintaining the power hierarchy in the relationship.
Listed below are some points that will help you to establish yourself as the person in power when it comes to your parent-child relationship.
Be 100% present: This is the rule number one of power parenting. Only when you invest all of you as a parent, will you derive the benefits of it. Be present mentally and physically for each and every part of your child’s day. Only when you know what your child is up to or what he is inclined towards, will you be able to guide him as a parent and right his wrongs.
Do not overthink or overanalyze: Being a parent is a taxing job and no one’s really perfect at it. There will be instances where you will screw up and that will only help you learn as grow as a parent. While establishing power is important, it is more important to establish a loving and trustworthy bond with your child and that will only happen when you accept your mistakes, apologize, find a common ground and move on.
Be a good teacher: Just like a teacher, it is your job to ensure that your child learns from you, is comfortable around you and looks up to you as a role model. That being said, no child wants to grow up in an environment where he feels scared or restricted. Just like a teacher, impose authority to correct your child when he’s wrong but never ever make him feel like he has no liberty to explore the people and things around him.
Balance between love and discipline: In this context, when we use the word ‘balance’ we do not mean ‘50% love and 50% discipline.’ What we are indeed implying is ‘100% love and 100% discipline.’ You have to love your child for the person he is growing up to be but then at the same time, you have to discipline your child in order to ensure that he grows up to the person you want him to be. Let him know at every point in the relationship that you love him but he does something wrong, there will be consequences.
The authority is all yours: Last but not the least, you should know that you don’t have to wait around to gain authority over your child. The authority and the power to control your child has been in your hands since day 1 and you have to full liberty to exercise it. Impose authority where it is required and do not succumb to your child if he’s wrong. A bad habit if encouraged once, tends to become a habit for good.
Power is indeed a blessing and a curse and it’s up to you to decide how well you use it to mold your child into the person you want him to be.
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