4 Reasons Why You Must Choose Tea Over Coffee
The debate between tea and coffee enthusiasts is one of the most popular topics of discussion across the world. While coffee is preferred to tea by a large number of people, tea surpasses coffee in its health benefits by a considerable margin. Here’s why:
1. Source of Lasting Energy
Caffeine is a naturally occurring stimulant present in tea and coffee that helps you stay alert and energetic. Scientific studies have shown that the amount of caffeine in tea and coffee is technically the same. While tea leaves have a higher percentage of caffeine than coffee beans, the process of brewing coffee releases more caffeine - hence a cup of coffee in its consumable form generally contains higher levels of caffeine than an equal serving of tea. Hence there is a total balance between the amount of caffeine in these two beverages in their raw and brewed forms. The amount of caffeine present in tea or coffee is determined by several factors including the time taken to steep and brew them.
One of the primary reasons why tea should be chosen over coffee is the effect that the former has on you. Though a cup of coffee elevates your energy level instantly, this newfound energy will drop as fast as it peaked. But the impact of caffeine in tea is more prolonged. Tea helps you stay energetic for a longer period. Unlike the depressing effect caused by coffee owing to the sudden depletion of energy levels, the alertness and vigour gained from the intake of coffee are long-lasting and wear off gradually.
2.Rich in Antioxidants
Another reason why tea trumps coffee is that the amount of antioxidants in tea exceeds that in coffee. Antioxidants boost body metabolism and make you feel fresh, healthy and strong. They also protect cells from getting damaged and maintain cellular health.
The antioxidants in tea are known to slow down the absorption of caffeine, thereby controlling the effect of increasing energy levels to maintain a gradual progression of alertness. This ensures that the energy boost induced by drinking tea does not deplete instantly, rather reaches a plateau without making you crash. Tea outshines coffee on this front also because these antioxidants, through the elimination of free radicals in the body, boost your immunity and nourish the health of your skin.
3. Weight Loss
Modern scientific studies have revealed that the intake of tea, especially green tea, has aided people in losing weight. The power of tea to increase the body’s metabolism is one of the reasons for this. Tea also contains a compound called EGCG, a Phenol that can shrink fat cells, thus adding to its weight loss properties. The most popular tea associated with weight management is green tea.
The preference of tea for weight loss over coffee is not just attributed to the individual properties of these beverages but also because of the elements that accompany them during consumption. Tea is a low-calorie beverage than coffee. Even when accompanied by sugar and milk, the quantities of these add-ons are much lesser in tea than in coffee. Coffee is also very often served with high-calorie toppings like ice cream unlike tea - such external factors rank tea above coffee in their function of assisting weight loss.
4. Stress Management
Those who consume tea can vouch for this - tea does wonders in reducing stress levels! Researchers have found that the levels of cortisol, the stress-inducing hormone, are lowered when tea is consumed. Coffee, on the other hand, is seen to worsen symptoms of stress and anxiety when consumed regularly. The effect of caffeine in coffee on the human body also increases the possibility of coffee addiction - the possibility of a similar effect while drinking tea is very less. The presence of the amino acid L-theanine in tea contributes to the calming effect that this beverage evokes. It functions synergistically with the caffeine in tea to manage stress by facilitating a state of relaxation and calmness.
The use of tea as a stress buster has been perfected and practised over centuries. It has been discovered that when presented with a difficult situation, regular consumers of tea had a calmer physiological reaction to stressful situations over regular coffee drinkers.
These reasons would have given you a clear picture of why you should choose tea over coffee if you wish to add a healthier drink to your diet. This doesn’t mean that you can drink gallons of tea to derive its benefits. It is imperative that beverages like tea and coffee must be consumed in moderation. If given the choice between the two, you now know what to choose.
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