What the future of workplace wellness looks like

As industries dive headlong into a glorious future, the stress and workplace pressure that employees endure is increasing exponentially. That is why organisations are coming together with their collective brains in order to come up with a workplace wellness plan that will be suitable for employees across the age spectrum.Traditionally, wellness programmes revolve around three core elements - productivity, engagement and insurance claims. But not much thought has gone into how these programs can be utilized to enhance retention. What is the missing link that can make these strategies wholesome and benefit both the employers and the employees?
A multidimensional approach to workplace wellness:
There’s more to employee wellbeing than just monetary incentives. Health and wellness are just as important. Once health in all its three dimensions-mind, body and spirit is secured; only then can a company truly march ahead. In the last few decades, lifestyle choices such as bingeing on unhealthy snacks, smoking, drinking and drug abuse- all in response to mounting work pressure have multiplied the health risks of an employee. 14% of annual workdays are claimed by employees on grounds of illness, which is a limiting factor for businesses. If companies grapple with health risks, implement corporate wellness programs and reduce them by even a minuscule 1%, the results would be astounding - productivity would soar by 9%, and absenteeism would go down by 2%.Many private companies offer flu-shots, discounts on gym memberships, exercise facilities on-site, insight on weight-loss programmes etc. But, clearly, this does not suffice. Lifestyle coaching sessions that impart the science of positive life, and teach employees how to deal with stress and anxiety, and inculcate an optimistic outlook are the need of the hour. On the physiological level, experts can train employees on the importance of consuming healthy foods, hydration, and exercise. Yoga, meditation, new hobbies and some uninterrupted me-time will do wonders for an employee’s mind and spirit. Some companies consider wellness programmes as a distraction or a drain on the company’s coffers. But they have to wean themselves off this mind-set because the success of a company hinges on the health and happiness of its employees.
Importance of preventive health care
Preventive health care should be integral to workplace wellness plans. So far, companies have adopted a reactive approach, they are a little too reliant on group insurance plans. While this is indeed a cost-effective measure and employees too prefer to work for companies that offer this benefit. But, once an employee falls ill, the insurance plan may foot the medical bills, but he/she will possibly request sick leave. That means the employee’s productivity and in effect, the company’s too will dwindle. But, preventive health care will take care of this hassle. Preventive health checks can detect illness at its onset and so, the employee will never fall severely ill. It’s a win-win for both the company and the people it hires.Different companies experiment with different strategies of workplace wellness, but at its core, every strategy focusses on financial emancipation, wealth management, as well as improving the physical and mental health of their employees. But piecemeal efforts are not productive. Because one strategy might yield startling results, others might be a dud. Therein lies the importance of integration, data collection, and cooperation among companies. They need to set aside their conflicting interests for the greater good- the health of the employee.
Employees too need to be made wary of the importance of workplace wellness
Some employees do not appreciate the worth of workplace wellness programmes and bow out of the webinars and sessions. So, for these plans to succeed, employees will have to be sensitized on how the wellness programmes are to their own interests. Some companies have chanced upon a unique strategy of blending the employee’s professional goals to wellness goals to make them more acceptable to him/her.
21st century work-life can take a tremendous toll on even the most unflinching employee’s health. The company and employee share a symbiotic relationship. The success of one depends on the other. That is why every company’s efforts should be concentrated on keeping the people who work for them happy and healthy. [av_promobox button='yes' label='Read here' link='https://blogs.medibuddy.in/disease-management-programs-medibuddy/' link_target='' color='blue' custom_bg='#f00' custom_font='#ffffff' size='large' icon_select='no' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello']The amount of stress and workplace pressure that employees currently face in the workplace has been increasing drastically. Preventive health care initiatives are being implemented by most companies and must not be taken lightly by the employees for their very own sake. Check these out now.[/av_promobox] Sources:People Matters