Ways To Treat Deviated Septum Without Surgery

There are plenty of reasons you may be struggling with poor sleep, nasal congestion or difficulty breathing through your nose.
Could it be a sinus infection or allergies?
It might be something completely different. The primary reason people have a runny or stuffy nose is nasal blockage, whose primary cause is a deviated septum.
What Is Deviated Nasal Septum?
Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS) is described as the veering of the nasal septum from the centre/normal of the nasal cavity. The nasal septum includes cartilage and bone, which separates the nasal cavity into two identical halves. The deviated nasal septum makes breathing hard for a person as one of their nostrils is tinier than the other. DNA may occur either from birth or evolve during growth or may result from an injury to the face/nose. Conditions like blockage of the respiratory tract, common cold, etc., might be viewed in the patient.
This condition also leads to inflammation of the sinus, and numerous patients might undergo continuous nosebleeds or post-nasal drips. Almost 80% of people have irregularly centred nasal septum, and it might not pose a problem.
What Are the Causes of Deviated Nasal Septum?
A deviated septum happens when your nasal septum - the slim wall that divides your left and right nasal passages - is moved to one side.
Causes of a deviated septum include:
- Some conditions occur at birth. In a few cases, a deviated septum happens when the foetus grows in the womb and is visible at birth.
- Nose injury. A deviated nasal septum can also result from an injury that displaces the nasal septum from its position.
- Such an injury may happen during childbirth in infants. In adults and children, an extensive range of accidents may cause a nose injury and deviated septum. Nose trauma most commonly occurs during contact sports, harsh play like wrestling or automobile accidents.
- The ageing process may impact nasal structures, worsening a deviated septum over time.
- Irritation and swelling of the nasal cavities due to an infection can also narrow the nasal passage and cause nasal obstruction.
Treatment Options Without Surgery
Initial deviated nasal septum treatments may be aimed at controlling your symptoms. Your doctor may advise:
Decongestants are medications that can lower nasal tissue swelling, aiding in freeing up the airways on the two sides of your nose. They are present as a nasal spray or as a pill. But utilise nasal sprays with care. Frequent and repeated use can lead to dependency and worsen your symptoms after you stop using them.
Oral decongestants exert a stimulant influence and may make you fidgety, besides elevating your heart rate, blood sugar levels and blood pressure.
Antihistamines comprise medications that aid in stopping allergy symptoms, such as a runny or stuffy nose. They may also occasionally assist in nonallergic conditions like cold symptoms. A few antihistamines lead to drowsiness and can impact your capacity to do tasks that need physical coordination, like driving.
Inflammation from an allergy can worsen the effects of deviated septum. In such instances, antihistamines can be helpful. Antihistamines are available as chewable tablets as well as nasal sprays.
Nasal Strips
These resemble band-aids that adhere to the nose and carry spring-like bands. These bands aid in raising the edges of the nose beyond the septum, thus freeing up the nasal channels for improved airflow. People should put on these at night before hitting the bed. Furthermore, putting these on at night also decreases snoring to a great extent. These strips are conveniently available at local pharmacies and you do not need any prescription to purchase them.
Humidifier Or Vaporizer
A humidifier or vaporizer is a little machine that merely adds moisture to the air. Nose dryness can worsen symptoms of deviated septum. So, breathing moist air can ease out a stuffy nose, mainly if there is an instance of sinusitis. Vaporizers create steam by warming water, so keep these out of the access of children. In the area where you keep the humidifier or vaporizer, ensure there is adequate ventilation. Failing which, the damp air can be an ideal place for mould, bacteria and dust mites to flourish. After using the humidifier or vaporizer, ensure to clean it properly.
Nasal Valve Support
The nasal valve support is positioned within the nose and eliminates obstruction in the front portion of the nose, thus enhancing airflow without any irritation or discomfort. As it is placed inside the nose, it is not visible to others
Nasal Dilators
Nose dilators open the nasal chambers automatically and decrease the resistance to the air going within. There are primarily two kinds of nasal dilators - internal and external. External or outer nasal dilators draw from the outside, while internal or inner nasal dilators press it through the inside.
Neti-Pot Or Nasal Irrigations
Neti-pot comprises a system of nasal irrigation. In a usual nasal irrigation mechanism, the person spills a salty solution across the nasal channel. This is the best solution to ease out sinus pressure and clear the mucus. Further, this can also improve the efficiency of the cilia within the nose lining and draw out mucus. These salty solutions are even present at local medical stores. After employing a neti pot, ensure to clean it to lower the probability of any infection. Suitably, use boiled and cold water in place of water from the tap.
Avoiding Irritants
Allergies are the greatest trigger for an individual with a deviated septum and worsen the congestion. So avoid any irritant that can trigger one. Avoid irritants like pollen, animals, dust mites, etc. A few people are also allergic to paint fumes, smoke, perfumes, or household chemicals. So keep away from these chemicals. Some food allergens like milk and red wine can also activate nasal congestion.
Nasal Corticosteroid Sprays
Nasal sprays are utilised to lessen nose swelling and can assist with drainage. These sprays are usually safe to take daily, but it’s always prudent to consult your doctor first.
Quitting Smoking
Smokers with a deviated septum experience more severe symptoms than non-smokers and need more medication to manage their symptoms. This is because smoking weakens the body's natural defences and irritates the nasal passages. Quitting smoking can help to reduce inflammation in the nasal passages.
Other deviated nasal septum treatments may involve deviated septum surgery termed septoplasty. The surgeon will shift your septum to a natural position in this procedure. In some instances, the surgeon will also revamp the external look of your nose in a process called rhinoplasty.
All these alternatives allow a person having a deviated septum to live comfortably without undergoing surgery. But there’s no guarantee of worsening of pre-existing medical conditions. In acute cases, children can’t breathe on account of nasal obstruction and need surgical intervention. In such instances, ENT doctors advise going for deviated septum surgery or septoplasty.