Tips and Advice For A Twin Pregnancy

Having twins can be quite overwhelming but don’t let that be a dampener. With some careful planning and meticulous detail to your health, you can ace a twin pregnancy. Here are a few tips and advice for you if you’ve discovered that you are carrying two babies in you.
What care should be taken in twin pregnancy?
It’s all about the diet
Just because you have two babies in you, doesn’t mean you have to double your food intake. Listen to what your body is saying. Eat when you feel hungry, and stop when you are full. No matter what people around you suggest do not eat when you are not hungry because ‘eating for your baby as well’ is just a myth. Your pregnancy diet should contain ample amounts of-
- Calcium (to prevent loss of your bone density and to ensure that your babies are born with strong bones)
- Folic acid (so that your babies’ brains develop normally)
- Proteins (this nutrient is essential for the babies’ tissue development)
- Vitamin D (you need lots of this nutrient to make sure that there are no birth complications)
- Iron (chances of iron deficiency anaemia go up during pregnancy)
Do not decide upon the dosage by yourself. Your body will need extra nutrients when you are pregnant with twins but by how much depends on many factors. So let a doctor decide.Fill your plate with foods like papayas, hummus, eggs, spinach, chicken, whole grains, beans, legumes, peanut butter. It’s also good to drink plenty of milk (if you are not lactose intolerant).
Be attentive to your health
Twin pregnancies are a little more high-risk than regular pregnancies. Your doctor will talk you through what you need to do to keep both the babies and yourself safe. You will frequently have to show up at the clinic for prenatal tests (more frequently than if you were pregnant with one child) so that your pregnancy can be closely monitored. Keep your doctor’s number and an ambulance helpline handy. Be attentive to the movement of your babies and if anything feels off-kilter, call for help.
Weight gain is important
This is one of those rare occasions when weight gain is good for you. In the case of twin pregnancies, doctors recommend you put on anything between 35-45 pounds. And the earlier in the pregnancy the better. Because it will ensure that your babies are born with the right birth weight. Not gaining the required pounds push up the risk of preterm birth and other complications.
Get rest
If you want your body to cope with the challenge of two growing babies, then you need to be well-rested. Every day after work, just lie still and breathe deeply for at least 30 minutes. This is also a good time for counting your babies’ kicks.
Exercise in moderation
You need to work out during your pregnancy especially if you are going to be a mother to twins. Pregnancy reduces your body’s functionality and triggers aches and pains everywhere. Exercise can help free up your joints and relieve aching and swollen muscles. Moreover, working out will prevent you from piling up excess weight and prevent pregnancy diabetes. Make sure to get your exercise plan vetted by your doctor first.Some tips and advice on beneficial pregnancy exercises-
- Non-strenuous swimming
- Indoor cycling
- Gentle aerobic dances
- Brisk walking (don’t overdo it)
- Kickboxing
You need to lie on your side a lot sooner
Usually, doctors recommend pregnant women not to lie down on their backs and instead lie on their sides the 20th week of pregnancy onwards. But if you are carrying twins, you will have to alter your sleeping position after the 16th week.
You need a support team
The journey to motherhood is paved with discomfort, anxiety, terrible mood swings, and the struggle to grapple with drastic changes to both your body and your life. And these feelings will be exacerbated when you have twins. And that is why you need your family, partner and friends around you to help you out and prop you up and infuse positivity in you.
A twin pregnancy can be exhilarating and scary. But with some choice tips and advice, you will do just fine.[av_promobox button='yes' label='Book Lab Tests' link='' link_target='' color='blue' custom_bg='#f00' custom_font='#ffffff' size='large' icon_select='no' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello']As a mom-to-be, you need to keep an eye on your health. Get essential lab tests done at the comfort of our home.[/av_promobox]Sources:Verywell FamilyFox News Network