Should you eat brown rice or white rice?


It's no secret that rice is one of the most versatile foods on earth. Rice can be incorporated into your breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even dessert thanks to its wide variety of types and preparations across cultures.

Rice contributes approximately 20% of the world's calories, making it one of the planet's most important foods.

More than 3.5 billion people around the world consume rice as their staple food.

What is the difference between brown rice and white rice?

Aside from their appearance, there are many differences between white and brown rice. The origin of all white rice is brown rice. Brown rice consists of bran, germ, and endosperm in their intact form. The husk, bran, and germ are removed through the milling process. While the process increases the shelf life of white rice, it also removes a great deal of its nutrition, which includes fibre, vitamins, and minerals.

There is no difference between white rice and other grains. Its name simply refers to its colour. The bran and germ layers of brown rice are removed during milling and polishing, resulting in white rice. Nutrients perish due to this process. White rice is artificially enriched with nutrients to combat it. Refined grains are also polished to improve their palatable appearance.

Brown Rice Vs White Rice: Which is healthier?

Key nutritional differences
Compared to white rice, brown rice has a few key differences:


The fibre content of brown rice is generally higher than that of white rice. The fibre content is usually one to three grams higher than a similar amount of white rice.

Although fibre is most famous for relieving constipation, it is also beneficial for several other health conditions. Here are some ways it can help you:

  • This can help people lose weight by making them feel fuller faster
  • Reduce cholesterol levels
  • Maintain a healthy blood sugar level, thereby reducing your risk of diabetes
  • Improve your heart health
  • Maintain healthy gut bacteria

Several factors determine how much fibre you need daily, including your age and caloric intake; talk to your doctor if you're not sure.


Minerals such as manganese are essential for the production of energy and for protecting against free radicals.The nutrient can be found in greater abundance in brown rice than in white rice.


Brown rice contains more selenium than any other food, which plays a crucial role in the production of thyroid hormone, antioxidant protection, and immune function. Additionally, selenium protects cells from cancer when combined with vitamin E.


A good source of magnesium is brown rice, as opposed to white rice. Half a cup of cooked brown rice can meet 11 percent of your daily magnesium requirements..

Numerous vital functions rely on magnesium, including:

  • Coagulation of blood
  • Contraction of muscles
  • Production of cells
  • Development of the bones

Depending on gender and age, this nutrient should be consumed daily in adequate amounts. For women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, their daily intake is typically higher. Adults need between 270 and 400 mg per day on average.


Folate can be found in enriched white rice. Approximately half of your daily recommended folate intake can be found in 1 cup servings.

Folate is essential for making DNA and other genetic material in your body. Additionally, it promotes cell division. Folate is a crucial nutrient for everyone, but pregnant or planning to become pregnant women need more folate than anyone else.

The daily recommended value for most adults is about 400 mcg.

Key takeaways
The nutrient content of brown rice is higher than that of white rice. Therefore, brown rice may be beneficial for reducing blood sugar levels and weight loss. In contrast, white rice is a good choice for those that cannot digest fibre-rich foods. The nutritional value of brown rice is higher, but both brown and white rice can be incorporated into a healthy, balanced diet, provided they are consumed in moderation.