Parenting Tips for the First Two Years of Your Child's Life



One of the hardest and yet the most rewarding occupations in the world is raising and giving birth to a child. Nevertheless, it is also the one that can make you feel the least equipped. The first two years of nurturing a child are never easy.

Parents rarely find time for themselves since they are so preoccupied with parenting activities in the first two years of life. The first two years of your child’s life are the most crucial periods and therefore, parents must devote this time to take intense care of their baby.

If you are going to be a new parent, here are some parenting tips to take care of their babies in the first two years of their life.

Infants Between the Ages of Zero and One Year

Infants are small and fragile at this point and thus, thorough hand cleanliness before handling them is essential. It is important for parents to take care of their newborns because they lack a strong immune system and are quite sensitive to germs and viruses. It makes them vulnerable to infections.

  • Parents and caretakers should touch, hold, and create contact with the baby to offer a sense of security during the early years of their life.
  • Parents must encourage their newborns to try new and playful activities, such as clapping, crawling, and moving.
  • Play with the newborns when they try to play, and try to spend more time with them daily to better understand their demands and activities.
  • Mothers should try to converse with their newborns during the time they breastfeed them since this is the time when the baby can see his/her mother’s smile.
  • Allowing newborns to see, hear, touch, and use all of their growing senses is critical. It encourages the child to do basic hand, leg, and eye motions. They eventually learn to gain control of their activities.
  • Always smile when staring into a child's eyes; the newborn responds mostly to facial expressions. Enjoy this stage of your child's life by engaging and interacting with the infant. Try to be calm and quiet when interacting with the baby.
  • Also, until the third or fourth month, it is critical to support newborns' heads and necks while carrying or holding them.

One and Two-Year-Old Infants

At this age, one-year-old infants begin to perform a few things for themselves and become quite adept at regular chores, such as trying to eat with their hands. They begin to observe their parents' actions and try to copy them, such as using a spoon, telephone, or hairbrush, although they may not get it right the first time. Encourage the infant throughout this stage and assist him in becoming accustomed to his surroundings.

During this period, babies begin to make noises, grin, and make hand movements, and parents must aid them in this developmental stage to adapt better.

Parents may also teach their children fundamental gestures such as clap hands, hi-fi, waving bye-bye, and shaking hands. Parents can teach the names of body parts using nursery rhyme audio. Gradually, learning is made more enjoyable by displaying a range of colour flashcards.

After 15 to 18 months, the baby can enjoy the diaper-free time, and parents can teach him or them how to use the toilet so that the infant can express themselves before starting play school.

How Should I Care for My Baby?

If you haven’t spent much time around infants, they may appear fragile. Below given are  some advice for parenting your baby in the initial years of their life.

  • Before touching your kid, wash your hands or use hand sanitiser. Since newborns lack a robust immune system, they are vulnerable to illnesses.
  • Ensure that whoever comes into contact with your kid has clean hands.
  • Keep your baby's head and neck supported. When carrying your infant, cradle the head.
  • While carrying your infant upright or laying your baby down, support the head.
  • Never shake your infant, whether for fun or out of irritation. Shaking can result in brain haemorrhage.
  • If you wish to wake your infant, don't shake them. Instead, tickle your baby's feet or softly blow on their cheek.
  • Always secure your infant when using a carrier, stroller, or car seat.
  • Any activity that might be overly rough or bouncy should be avoided.
  • When playing with newborns, avoid physical play, such as jiggling them on the knee or throwing them in the air.

Why are Parenting Tips Important?

New newborns require additional care and attention from their parents, from skin-to-skin bonding in the first few weeks to snuggles and stories before bed. But, as it turns out, such extreme intimacy is important much beyond the first few months of a child's existence.

Babies require it for the first two years, particularly from their mothers. A mother's physical and emotional presence protects newborns from stress and regulates their emotions, which are necessary for good brain development and the child's future well-being.

And while both mom and dad's love and concern are crucial, they are not interchangeable from a biological standpoint. When moms and dads nurture their children, they both create oxytocin.

Mothers become more sensitive and empathic nurturers as a result of the oxytocin they release during bonding. In contrast, oxytocin produced by dads in the same situation makes them more playfully stimulating and encourages children to be independent and explore.

Why Consult Pediatrician Online?

Your child's paediatrician is critical to the growth and development of your infant. A kid enters this world defenceless, relying on you to provide all its requirements. This vital duty may leave you feeling overwhelmed. The doctor may counsel you on how to offer a caring and comfortable environment for your lovely newborn.

You must start looking for a doctor around three months before your baby is due. Inquire about referrals from family members, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and physicians you know. You may also lookup for an online paediatrician.


A paediatrician becomes involved in the child's life soon after birth. The doctor will check on the infant a few days after delivery. Parents should take their infant to the doctor three to five days after delivery. The doctor checks the weight and height of the child and inquires about the child's sleeping and eating habits. A baby's doctor will conduct a screening test to rule out any problems with hearing. The doctor also regularly examines a child for plausible issues with other organs. You may consult a online paediatrician to get more advice on parenting and parenting tips.