100+ Occupational Health Centres… And Going Strong

Onsite health centre

Medi Assist recently reached the milestone of running over 100 Occupational Health Centres (OHCs) across India successfully. This makes us larger than some of India’s largest chains of clinics in the country. Here is a brief illustration of what Medi Assist’s OHCs, MediClinics are all about.Why onsite medical care?You want your workforce to stay fit and healthy. You may also need to ensure regular medical support to your employees as per requisite statutory norms. However, frequent visits from your employees for medical tests may hamper their productivity, thereby affecting your organization’s revenues. Why not bring MediClinic to your campus?

What is a MediClinic?

The Medi Assist MediClinic is an Occupational Health Centre (OHC) which provides professional medical help to your employees on your campus. MediClinic not only helps in ensuring round-the-clock medical services to your workforce but significantly enhances employee productivity while optimizing costs on medical care. The general services provided by the MediClinic include medical manpower in the form of doctors and nurses for the primary care of onsite injuries, ambulance and life support services for advanced care, medicines and equipment, bio-medical waste management and internal audits. Medi Assist also provides the MediClinic software which allows the OHC personnel to capture valuable data such as walk-in details and medicines prescribed to the patient. The software helps the corporate HR gain important insights by providing monthly MIS reports, electronic health records and trend analysis for common ailments people suffer from. The information pertaining to these walk-ins is also available to individual employees on their personal MediBuddy which can be accessed either from the portal or app. MediClinic for data-driven wellness services. Based on the data recorded at the OHC, ailments can be grouped under various categories. The HR can then decide the type of wellness service that needs to be provided for the company’s employees. Medi Assist works with the organization to extend our wellness services offerings to them accordingly. For example, Medi Assist has worked with organizations to run sessions on eye/dental checkup, physician consultation, dietician consultation, lifestyle management programs and vaccinations for Influenza and viral ailments.Achievements we are proud to showcase. The following is a testimonial we received at one of our previous OHCs. “Today we saved the life of a cardiac arrest person. She had cardiac arrest and fits and she was in a very critical state. At that moment her life was saved due to the quick, thoughtful, committed action from the following people and I want to thank them and appreciate them“. - P.Muralidharan, PRP PMO, Wipro [av_promobox button='yes' label='Get in touch' link='mailto:info@mahs.in' link_target='_blank' color='blue' custom_bg='#f00' custom_font='#ffffff' size='large' icon_select='no' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello']We would be happy to bring MediClinic, your Occupational Health Centre, to your corporate campus. For more information, please feel free to reach out to us![/av_promobox]