Online medical consultation – why is it relevant

Online medical consultation!

Many people are opting for online medical consultation in the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic. They feel it is a safer option than visiting a doctor in person, especially for minor health problems that do not require immediate intervention. Moreover, there are numerous platforms that facilitate digital consultations and they are easily accessible by anyone with a phone or a computer and an internet connection. Online medical consultations have become very popular among the urban populace in the country. These are people who are hard-pressed for time and are unwilling to travel long distances for an appointment with their doctor. So, they have embraced it as a practical solution.

What are the benefits of an online medical consultation?

Geography doesn’t matterDoes your trip to the doctor eat up a big chunk of your time? With an online medical consultation, distance is not an issue. You can use an online consultation app for doctors to consult with a doctor who could be in a different city or a state.Do it at your own timeNo more taking leave from work for a doctor’s appointment. With online consultations, you can schedule them as per your convenience. Moreover, there are no long queues of patients waiting for their appointment like it would be in a clinic. In here, you are the doctor’s sole focus.Get prompt medical attentionOther than a medical emergency, you can turn to online medical consultations when you need prompt medical attention. If visiting a doctor takes up valuable time then you can use an online consultation to get an immediate response to your problem.Privacy guaranteed Some people find it difficult to let others know about their health condition. They are hesitant about visiting a doctor because in a clinic, they feel that others may learn of their illness.This is not the case with an online medical consultation. There are no receptions and waiting areas where you have to come face to face with other people. So, you can seek answers while maintaining your privacy.Reduced costsTravelling to a doctor’s clinic or a hospital for a consultation entails fuel expenses or cab costs. Talking to a doctor online allows you to save on these expenses.Online storage of your medical history The apps that offer online consultation facilities also back up your medical history. This means you don’t have to rummage for old prescriptions during a consultation. In just a click of a button, all your medical history will be at your fingertips.Getting a second opinion has never been easierMany people don’t opt for a second opinion because of the inconveniences of a doctor’s visit, like transportation, play on their minds. This is where online consultations can be of big help as these inconveniences don’t apply to them.

Tips to make your online medical consultation effective

  • You start with an internet connection check. Ensure that it's stable and you are in a quiet room.
  • Prepare a summary of your condition beforehand, so that you can answer the doctor’s questions promptly.
  • Position your camera well so that your face and shoulders are visible.
  • Ensure there is no background noise.
  • Don’t let overhead lights cast a shadow on your face during the call.
  • Have your medical history at hand.


With more advances in technology, online medical consultations are poised to become big. If social distancing becomes the new norm, so will online medical consultations. [av_promobox button='yes' label='Consult Now ' link='' link_target='' color='blue' custom_bg='#f00' custom_font='#ffffff' size='large' icon_select='no' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello']Need medical advice? Get in touch with a trusted specialist doctor online, from the comfort of your home, on MediBuddy.[/av_promobox] Sources:BeingthedoctorMediumHealthysoch