MediBuddy now offers the Navya Cancer Expert Opinion Service


A cancer diagnosis is frightening for anyone. Those who have the will to fight back will certainly do everything in their power to get the right treatment. But again, it’s easy to question yourself: is the diagnosis even correct? Will this treatment help me? Is there something better than what has been proposed? In this case, asking for a second opinion is the best course of action.

What is a Second Opinion?

People diagnosed with cancer are pushed into a state of urgency to get treated immediately. Most cancers are curable if diagnosed early and treated appropriately. The first treatment a patient undergoes thus offers the best chance of a positive outcome. It’s during this time that a second opinion comes into the picture. You may enquire about alternative treatment options and talk to another doctor who can assess your diagnosis and offer a different approach. Rather than rushing to multiple sources, Navya strives to put your mind at rest by resolving this entire conundrum.

The MediBuddy Navya Online Expert Opinion connects cancer patients with experts at the Tata Memorial Centre (TMC) and the National Cancer Grid (NCG). Their team of world-renowned Cancer Experts will provide you evidence-based Treatment Decisions within 1 to 3 days.

All you have to do is follow this simple 3 Step process:

Step 1: Submit Medical Reports and Patient Preferences Step 2: The Cancer Experts Analyse Your Reports Step 3: Receive a Personalized Expert Opinion Report

You will also have the chance to communicate any treatment preferences, and submit additional questions for experts to answer. From the moment you register, one of Navya’s patient advocates will guide you throughout the entire process.

When should patients seek an Expert Opinion?

Cancer treatment is a process which can last for months or years. Every decision you face, from the initial diagnosis onwards, requires expertise.

If you have been recently diagnosed with cancer and haven't decided on a treatment plan, or if you are already receiving therapy and want to know what to do at your next decision point, Navya can help. Knowing whether or not to continue aggressive treatment, for instance, is an important decision. Many patients and their families want the peace of mind of an expert second opinion; Navya makes this possible and accessible.

Especially in complex or advanced cases of cancer, there is limited expertise available when determining the path forward. This is the most-common scenario in which most patients reach out for help. Since Navya allows the world's premier cancer experts to collaborate on a case, and its experience engine compiles data from numerous rare and complex cases, Navya is uniquely equipped to offer you the right and timely recommendations.

Most types of cancers are curable if diagnosed early and treated accordingly. The first treatment a patient undergoes offers the best chance of a positive outcome. Treatment decisions are also life-changing clinically and financially.

For this very reason, everyone faced with a treatment decision should get the opinion of an impartial expert before beginning the treatment procedures. Navya offers a way for you to quickly receive an expert opinion tailored to your needs and preferences.

What are the Benefits of Navya?

Once all your reports are duly submitted to Navya, a structured summary is created and is sent to the experts relevant to your case.

Navya then allows them to collaborate as an online tumour board to discuss and deduce the most applicable treatment for your case.

If your case requires the opinion of more than one expert, then a consensus opinion is generated by consulting several other industry experts. (This could be in cases where the cancer has spread to multiple organs or in cases where different specialties; such as a Surgeon, Medical Oncologist and/or a Radiation Oncologist need to be consulted).

Experts respond to the specific questions by the patients and provide treatment recommendations as well as suggest further diagnostic tests or clinical examinations.

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