MediBuddy, your very own Health Buddy!
Are you still using the old, tedious methods to manage your health insurance benefits? Thousands of people across the country are enjoying the comfort and convenience of MediBuddy; it is time YOU switched too!
The MediBuddy app, is a powerful self-help tool that not only helps you manage your health insurance benefits, but also helps you reduce the overall cost of healthcare for yourself and your family. It gives you access to a host of benefits related to your health insurance and wellness.
With the MediBuddy app, you can access a range of convenient features anytime, anywhere, and on-the-go!
Here are some of the ways in which the MediBuddy app empowers you:
- Explore details of your Policy
- Enrol yourself and your beneficiaries under your policy
- Plan your hospitalization and obtain a provisional preauthorization even before the date of hospitalization through eCashless
- Raise and manage claims online in a hassle-free way
- Track your claims in real time
- Locate network hospitals through a GPS based search
- View and download e-cards on-the-go
MediBuddy also offers a range of outpatient services where you can select, compare and book your preferred outpatient service from exhaustive listings of specialist doctors, trusted diagnostic centres and hospitals.
The list of outpatient offerings on MediBuddy include:
1. DENTALExperts who specialize in various areas of oral healthcare! 2. LAB TESTDiscounted lab tests from your trusted diagnostic centres!
3. HEALTH CHECK Comprehensive packages, at attractive rates!
4. MEDICINES Prescription medicines at discounted rates, home delivered!
5. CONSULTATIONS A specialist for your every medical need, just a click away!
6. HOME HEALTHCARE Superior medical care, at the comfort of your home!
7. TELE CONSULTATION Consult with a specialist over the phone!
8. SECOND OPINION Specialist doctors, to help you in your times of doubt!
9. GENOME STUDY Understand your health, right from the genome level!
[av_promobox button='yes' label='Log into MediBuddy' link='' link_target='_blank' color='blue' custom_bg='#f00' custom_font='#ffffff' size='large' icon_select='no' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello']Sign in right away to explore the convenient self-help features on MediBuddy and make informed healthcare decisions for yourself and your loved ones![/av_promobox]