Mom & Miracle Program For Your Employees
Look beyond the Maternity Leave! Companies today are taking a 360° view on maternity wellbeing for their employees. The Mom & Miracle Program by MediBuddydrives this effort.
Do corporates today need a maternity program?
A maternity program can act as a supportive nudge from the corporate-side, which adds value to the employee as well as gives them the counseling that they require.The Mom & Miracle Program solves for:
- Braving Traffic: Your employees don’t even need to step out- expert guidance is just a call away!
- Long Queues: Waiting at the doctor’s office is a thing of the past. Your employee can get their pregnancy-related queries resolved with zero waiting time!
- Work Hiccups: A stress-free mind is a happy mind! Your employee can pick the brains of our experts on the best way to return back to their corporate life, post pregnancy.
Why does MediBuddy believe in the Mom & Miracle Program?
By engaging with the moms-to-be at the workplace, your company will not only be able to show that you care for their well-being, but also provide them with a much-needed support system. Don’t believe us? Then check out this statistic: Moms treated to a Maternity Program are 25% more likely to keep working.*
What can employees expect from the Mom & Miracle Program?
Your employees can expect on-call guidance with experts. The moms-to-be have sessions with Gynaecologists, Dieticians, Physiotherapists, and Psychologists. The duration of the program is from 9 months antenatal, till 3 months postpartum. [av_promobox button='yes' label='Take A Look At The Mom & Miracle Program' link='' link_target='' color='blue' custom_bg='#f00' custom_font='#ffffff' size='large' icon_select='no' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello'] Want to roll out this program for your employees? Write to us at . Show your employees that they are valued by giving them the benefit of the Mom & Miracle Program. [/av_promobox] Source: The Life And Times Of New Parents, MediBuddy Blogs, 2019