Dos and Don’ts to Keep In Mind for Healthy Kidneys

Function of Kidneys
The kidneys are essential organs that are critical to preserving general health. They are bean-shaped organs situated slightly below the ribcage on either spine. The kidneys' primary function is to filter waste and excessive toxins from the blood, transform them into urine, and then excrete them from the body. This process controls the body's pH, electrolyte levels, and fluid balance.
The kidneys play a vital role to regulate blood pressure through a complex mechanism that includes the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. This mechanism helps to control blood flow and the constriction or dilation of blood vessels. The kidney produces several hormones, including erythropoietin (EPO), which stimulates the production of red blood cells, and renin, which helps control blood pressure.
If your kidney does not function properly, it can lead to electrolyte imbalances, accumulation of waste products, and several health issues. Thus, healthy kidneys are important for the overall well-being of the body. So, how to keep kidneys healthy? The article will provide a dos and don’ts list you can follow to keep your kidneys healthy.
Dos to Keep Your Kidneys Healthy
For general health, it is essential to maintain healthy kidneys. Here are some important kidney health tips you must follow to maintain the health of your kidneys:
Stay Hydrated:
Drinking enough water supports healthy kidney function and aids in the removal of toxins from the body. Don't go overboard, though, as drinking too much water can harm your kidneys.
Have a Balanced Diet:
Consume a balanced diet full of fresh produce, whole grains, lean meats, and healthy fats. Reduce your intake of processed foods, sugary drinks, and high-sodium foods because these can aggravate renal issues. Consume the best food for kidneys to keep your kidney health intact and stay fit
Maintain Control of Blood Sugar Levels:
If you have diabetes, maintaining control of your blood sugar levels is crucial. Over time, high blood sugar might harm the kidney's blood vessels.
Maintain Healthy Blood Pressure:
Kidney disease can result from high blood pressure damaging the blood vessels in the kidneys. Blood pressure can be managed by regular exercise, a balanced diet, and medication (if required).
Exercise regularly:
Regular physical activity enhances circulation and aids in the maintenance of a healthy weight. This can lower the risk of renal disease and other connected problems.
Manage Your Weight:
Keeping a healthy weight lowers your risk of developing kidney issues such as diabetes and high blood pressure. This will help you maintain good kidney health.
Lessen Salt Intake:
Limit salt intake since too much sodium in your diet might damage your kidneys and raise your blood pressure. Avoid exceeding 2,300 mg of salt per day.
Watch Your Protein Intake:
Although protein is essential for overall health, overeating can strain your kidneys, particularly if you already have kidney problems. For recommendations that are specific to you, speak with a healthcare practitioner.
Limit Your Alcohol Consumption:
Drinking too much alcohol might strain your kidneys and interfere with how well they work. If you do consume alcohol, do it in moderation.
Get Rid of the Smoking Habit:
Smoking damages blood vessels and reduces blood flow to the kidneys, raising the risk of kidney disease.
Manage Stress:
Long-term stress can affect renal function as well as general health. Use stress-reduction methods, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or enjoyable hobbies.
Get Regular Checkups:
Visiting your doctor frequently can aid in the early detection of renal problems. Regular blood and urine tests can evaluate kidney health and spot potential issues.
The dos discussed above provide the solution to “how to improve kidney function.” So, it is essential to consider and follow these dos to maintain kidney health.
Don’ts to Keep In Mind for Healthy Kidneys
After discussing do's to keep your kidneys healthy, let us discuss thing which you must avoid:
Don't Forget to Hydrate:
Although staying hydrated is crucial, don't overdo it. The kidneys can become overworked if you consume more water than your body requires.
Don't Consume Too Much Salt:
Overeating salt can lead to high blood pressure, harming the kidneys' health. Avoid processed foods with a high sodium level and too salty foods.
Don't Eat Too Much Protein:
While protein is necessary, overeating might strain your kidneys, especially if you already have kidney problems.
Don't Ignore Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs):
UTIs can result in kidney infections if ignored. Address any infection-related symptoms immediately, such as lower abdomen pain, frequent urination, or pain or discomfort during urination.
Don't Take Non-prescription Painkillers Excessively:
Ibuprofen and aspirin are examples of NSAIDs that can damage the kidneys when used excessively. Before taking them consistently, consult a doctor.
Avoid Smoking:
Smoking can harm blood arteries, especially those that carry blood to the kidneys, which, over time, can cause kidney issues.
Don't Ignore High Blood Pressure:
High blood pressure might harm the kidneys' blood vessels if left unchecked. To effectively manage your blood pressure, work with your healthcare practitioner.
Don't Put Off Treatment for Chronic Conditions:
If left untreated, conditions including diabetes and high blood pressure can impair kidney function. Observe your doctor's advice when it comes to treating these diseases.
Don’t Drink Too Much Alcohol:
Drinking too much alcohol can strain the kidneys and affect how well they work. Avoid alcohol altogether or consume it in moderation.
Don't Skip Regular Checkups:
You must visit your doctor frequently to evaluate kidney function and catch any problems early.
Table of Dos and Don'ts
Thus, it is absolutely important to follow the dos and don’ts list to maintain good kidney health. You can also consult with your doctor for kidney health tips. People can actively protect their kidney health by getting enough sleep, controlling their blood pressure and blood sugar, eating a balanced diet, and exercising frequently.
It is critical to be aware of how to keep kidneys healthy and avoid potential hazards, including consuming excessive amounts of salt and protein, taking excessive painkillers, and ignoring long-term illnesses like diabetes and hypertension. You can actively promote the long-term health of your kidneys and guarantee a healthier future by making informed decisions, visiting the doctor frequently, and committing to a healthy lifestyle.