7 Foods Which Can Cause Gas


Gastritis, also known as dyspepsia, refers to a group of conditions that causes irritation, inflammation, or erosion of the abdominal lining. The condition often triggers a burning sensation in the stomach, which tends to worsen after consuming spicy or fatty foods. That is why you must know what foods trigger gastritis. Other symptoms common to this condition may include belching, bloating, vomiting and nausea. Your diet plays a vital role in maintaining your digestive, as well as overall health. What you eat from time to time can make a huge difference in your digestive health.  For example – some types of gastritis can result from frequent or heavy consumption of alcohol.

Know what foods to avoid if you have gastritis

Greasy, high-fat foods delay emptying of the stomach and are far more likely to worsen pre-existing gastritis due to the long duration of gastric acid production. It is best to avoid such kinds of foods. Here is a list of foods and beverages that may worsen the inflammation in the lining of your stomach and aggravate the symptoms of the condition.

Fatty and fried foods

High cholesterol levels found in fatty and fried foods, such as potato chips, French fries, beef and pork, have been linked to an increased risk of gastritis. If you have this condition, be sure to avoid eating these. However, can you eat potatoes with gastritis? The answer is yes, you can – but you should start with only a small serving and see how you are doing before consuming more. Try eating baked potatoes instead of mashed potatoes. Drinking fresh potato juice straight up in the morning is an effective remedy for acute or chronic gastritis, as it reduces stomach acidity, and eases pain and heartburn.

Spicy foods

Spicy seasonings and foods, like mustard, wasabi, hot peppers, and horseradish are certainly not good for your gut health. They add flame to an already inflamed stomach, instantly worsening the pain.

Acidic fruits and beverages

You probably know already how cola and excessive sugar are bad for health. However citrus fruits, juices, foods like grains, coffee, mint teas and antioxidant-rich tomatoes are overly acidic and consuming them too often can aggravate the inflammation of your stomach lining. Not all fruits are bad for your digestive health – some fruits with low acid content may be beneficial too! For example, bananas. In case you are wondering ‘Can I eat banana with gastritis?’, then you should know that bananas could actually help with gastritis and acid reflux by coating the inflamed oesophageal lining, thereby alleviating irritation and abdominal pain. Fibre-rich bananas can also help to strengthen the digestive system and prevent other problems like indigestion.

Fast food and processed foods

Fast foods contain considerable amounts of artificial flavourings and preservatives that can irritate your stomach. The same is true for ready-to-eat meals and processed foods. Foods like sausages, hot dogs and instant noodles are in monosodium glutamate (MSG), and consuming copious amounts of MSG can trigger gastritis and other gastric disorders.


Due to its acidity, coffee can irritate your intestinal and stomach lining. Drinking too much coffee over a long period may worsen an already existing condition and aggravate the symptoms of gastritis and acid reflux.

Carbonated beverages

Carbonated beverages, fizzy drinks and cola are best avoided if you have gastritis and are looking for ways to relieve its symptoms. Soda, with its high sugar content and high acidity, is the worst offender in this category. The supposedly healthy sparkling water too is extremely harmful to overall gastric health. The carbon dioxide found in these drinks turns into irritable carbonic acid, responsible for causing inflammation in the abdominal lining, thus triggering gastritis symptoms.


Alcohol aggravates the digestive system. Moderate to heavy alcohol consumption can prompt your stomach into producing more acid than normal, which in turn, can irritate or even erode the parts of your abdominal lining, thus triggering gastritis and painful symptoms. You should stay away from these foods and beverages at any cost to soothe debilitating symptoms of gastritis and instead, switch to foods that may help manage the condition.

Know what your gastritis diet menu should feature

Now that you are aware of what foods to avoid if you have gastritis, let’s look at the foods, which you can add to your daily diet. Your diet menu should include the following foods and drinks –

  • Fibre-rich foods, like oatmeal, apples, beans, carrots and broccoli
  • Foods low in fat, such as chicken and fish
  • Alkaline, low-acidic foods, like leafy greens and other veggies, such as cabbage, cauliflower and radish
  • Non-caffeinated drinks
  • Non-carbonated beverages
  • Probiotics, like yoghurt, kombucha and kimchi
  • Low-fat dairy foods

Is cheese good for gastritis? Even though you should be avoiding full-fat dairy foods, low-fat and low-sugar foods like yoghurt that is also packed with probiotics may be a healthy addition to your gastritis diet menu.  Some forms of hard cheese with low salt content when eaten in small portions, may also be tolerated. To know if you should eat a certain food when you have gastritis, consult a doctor online on DocsApp.


Having gastritis makes you prone to several complications, including peptic ulcer and cancer. One of the first things you need to avoid such instances is to find out what foods trigger gastritis and make dietary changes accordingly. [av_promobox button='yes' label='Consult Now ' link='https://www.medibuddy.in/?utm_source=blog_cta&utm_medium=blog' link_target='' color='blue' custom_bg='#f00' custom_font='#ffffff' size='large' icon_select='no' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello']For more information, you can always talk to a doctor online on MediBuddy.[/av_promobox]